Sunday, March 25, 2007


Work was hell yesterday. I was so damn tired, but daddy made me the best breakfast since he’s convinced I don’t eat, which is basically true. But I wasn’t trying to reject that huge breakfast.

I can only imagine how Brad was doing at work. We sent a few txts back and forth, but we were both so busy. Ok, well, I wasn’t THAT busy so I was glued to my phone, but I know he had shit to do.

So I managed to make it back to my apartment in one piece, and I had to rest up for the night. I had been talking to Brad on and off all day and I knew he was excited.

At about 9PM, I get a call from him telling me that the venue has been changed from 279 to Revival Nightclub, and guest list finished at 11PM. Not only did I have to rush to leave my place, but I also had to rush to get ready. After altering Rini, I a-lined to my closet.

In a made fury, I threw on a cute white shirt, tie, and black sweater with jeans and my clickly-clacks. I had no neck. But no time for that.

I checked my e-mail quickly to find the sweetest offline message from him: can’t wait to chill with you later.

As I rushed out of my apartment at 10.06PM, I called Rini to meet me at the next metro station down, and then I called Brad to tell him I was on my way.

Twenty-five minutes later, I was still waiting for Rini at the station. Where the hell was she?
I was annoyed out of my mind, I left the station to leave her the nastiest voicemail. Low and behold, she was right in front of me!

We managed to make it to the club in 40 minutes, and after paying a ridiculous cover charge (thanks to Rini) and 3 bucks for coat check, we made it up to the 3rd level. I immediately pulled out my phone and txt messaged Brad: I'm here now, it's up to you to find me.

After circling the club for a while, I turned the corner and bumped into something...that something was Brad. Damn, he was looking cute. I found you, he said.

After some mixing and mingling and dancing the night away, I met about 20 of his friends. It was quite funny. But it was Brad and I the whole night, talking and laughing. He was completely normal.

My fear that he would ignore for his friends was completely stupid. We all talked and they didn't even care. Clearly he wasn't hiding the fact that he was bi, or gay...or totally into me.

It was quite amazing. I felt as if we were moving in a new direction. As the night drew to a close, I was getting ready to leave with Rini when I asked if he would come see me after he picks up his car from the station. Did you even have to ask? he responded.

Two subways and some timbits later, I was getting in his car at the passenger pick-up because he was already waiting at my apartment. The hell I was going to walk when he could just meet me.

We ended up just chilling and talking in the Dominion parking lot, just like the night before. But we talked even more and it felt like we were just enjoying our company.

Then he said something that rocked my inner core: Who would have thought a few days ago, you would make me change my mind?

What the hell does that mean??? I didn't know or care, but it was pretty amazing.

It only reinforced the fact that I am scared to death of liking him and then having to leave him to go to MTL.

I don't want to risk feeling the way I felt with him in that car and then leaving the city and never feeling that way again.

At the end of the night, he drove me to my lobby and we talked for another 10 minutes. I was playing with one of his rings, and I put it on my finger. I think it looks good on you, he said, as I held out my hand and then took it off. I want you to wear it, you can give it to me next time.

This was all getting to real for me. I didn't know what to think, but I didn't want to. As I got out of the car he pecked me and slapped my ass.

And so I just walked into my apartment and looked at my hand. He was still with me.

And like the nose ring he said he loved so much, I knew I could never get rid of him or it. He was slowly becoming a part of me.

Tomorrow's the Christina concert, so I'll have something to keep me occupied.

I think we're on our way.

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