Monday, February 26, 2007

Love Hangover

Sunday morning was the worst. I woke up feeling like a piece of shit and I was pissed at my roomie for the crap she said about me.

At exactly 10:33 AM, she left for a business trip. I had one week to figure out what I was going to do, and how I was going to get there. I didn't even get a txt message from Shawn.

The rest of the day was my recovery. No matter how hard I try, I just can't shake the feeling that that I'm just being pure sadiddy sometimes.

Nikki called me and asked if I wanted to go to Yorkdale. Since I had nothing to do, and I was feeling iffy, I knew she would totally make me feel better.

After a day of shopping, with no results, and a cute lunch at Moxie's, Nikki, her sister, and Ryan really made me feel better.

During my little excursion, I got a call from Adriano wanting to hang out. Now this is a guy I have been going back and forth with since God knows when. After mulling over the idea, we made plans.

I took a little nap when I got home, from which Adriano woke me up, and we decided to go to a comedy show downtown on Queen West. Unlike the other times I had hung out with me, I was not nervous at all. I didn't even want to go. So as I struggled to get ready and leave my house, I took a quick look in the mirror: How the hell was I? The old me wouldn't even waste my time.

I hate the fact that I know I shouldn't feel like this, and that guys shouldn't matter as much. And I even hate myself for saying this, but I felt a little lonely. But Adriano was waiting.

The weather was nasty, first off. And I had nothing but a tiny coat on and some very thin shoes. I was pissed already.

Five dollars and one long hour later, the show was over. And I was about ready to slap someone. It was sooooooo BAD! Some cute parts, but for the most part, NO DICE!

A short streetcar ride later, we were at Franz's diner. Luckily the Oscars were on. I didn't get anything, but it was fun just watching a good show, for once.

As I got up to go to the washroom, I got a call from Johnny. As I took the call in the washroom lobby, and although he was drunk, it was like a total sign. It was fun to know that someone, somewhere...that sometime, it was good.

And as I got home that night, I knew it would be good again.

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